How to tag a whole corpus#

Often, you may want to tag an entire text corpus. In this case, you need to split the corpus into sentences and pass a list of Sentence objects to the Classifier.predict() method.

For instance, you can use a SentenceSplitter to split your text:

from flair.nn import Classifier
from flair.splitter import SegtokSentenceSplitter

# example text with many sentences
text = "This is a sentence. This is another sentence. I love Berlin."

# initialize sentence splitter
splitter = SegtokSentenceSplitter()

# use splitter to split text into list of sentences
sentences = splitter.split(text)

# predict tags for sentences
tagger = Classifier.load('ner')

# iterate through sentences and print predicted labels
for sentence in sentences:

Using the mini_batch_size parameter of the Classifier.predict() method, you can set the size of mini batches passed to the tagger. Depending on your resources, you might want to play around with this parameter to optimize speed.