
This tutorial shows you how to use Flair to produce embeddings for words and documents. Embeddings are vector representations that are useful for a variety of reasons. All Flair models are trained on top of embeddings, so if you want to train your own models, you should understand how embeddings work.

Example 1: Embeddings Words with Transformers#

Let’s use a standard BERT model (bert-base-uncased) to embed the sentence “the grass is green”.

Simply instantiate TransformerWordEmbeddings and call embed() over an example sentence:

from flair.embeddings import TransformerWordEmbeddings
from flair.data import Sentence

# init embedding
embedding = TransformerWordEmbeddings('bert-base-uncased')

# create a sentence
sentence = Sentence('The grass is green .')

# embed words in sentence

This will cause each word in the sentence to be embedded. You can iterate through the words and get each embedding like this:

# now check out the embedded tokens.
for token in sentence:

This will print each token as a long PyTorch vector:

Token[0]: "The"
tensor([-0.0323, -0.3904, -1.1946,  0.1296,  0.5806, ..], device='cuda:0')
Token[1]: "grass"
tensor([-0.3973,  0.2652, -0.1337,  0.4473,  1.1641, ..], device='cuda:0')
Token[2]: "is"
tensor([ 0.1374, -0.3688, -0.8292, -0.4068,  0.7717, ..], device='cuda:0')
Token[3]: "green"
tensor([-0.7722, -0.1152,  0.3661,  0.3570,  0.6573, ..], device='cuda:0')
Token[4]: "."
tensor([ 0.1441, -0.1772, -0.5911,  0.2236, -0.0497, ..], device='cuda:0')

(Output truncated for readability, actually the vectors are much longer.)

Transformer word embeddings are the most important concept in Flair. Check out more info in this dedicated chapter.

Example 2: Embeddings Documents with Transformers#

Sometimes you want to have an embedding for a whole document, not only individual words. In this case, use one of the DocumentEmbeddings classes in Flair.

Let’s again use a standard BERT model to get an embedding for the entire sentence “the grass is green”:

from flair.embeddings import TransformerDocumentEmbeddings
from flair.data import Sentence

# init embedding
embedding = TransformerDocumentEmbeddings('bert-base-uncased')

# create a sentence
sentence = Sentence('The grass is green .')

# embed words in sentence

Now, the whole sentence is embedded. Print the embedding like this:

# now check out the embedded sentence

TransformerDocumentEmbeddings are the most important concept in Flair. Check out more info in this dedicated chapter.

How to Stack Embeddings#

Flair allows you to combine embeddings into “embedding stacks”. When not fine-tuning, using combinations of embeddings often gives best results!

Use the StackedEmbeddings class and instantiate it by passing a list of embeddings that you wish to combine. For instance, lets combine classic GloVe WordEmbeddings with forward and backward FlairEmbeddings.

First, instantiate the two embeddings you wish to combine:

from flair.embeddings import WordEmbeddings, FlairEmbeddings

# init standard GloVe embedding
glove_embedding = WordEmbeddings('glove')

# init Flair forward and backwards embeddings
flair_embedding_forward = FlairEmbeddings('news-forward')
flair_embedding_backward = FlairEmbeddings('news-backward')

Now instantiate the StackedEmbeddings class and pass it a list containing these two embeddings.

from flair.embeddings import StackedEmbeddings

# create a StackedEmbedding object that combines glove and forward/backward flair embeddings
stacked_embeddings = StackedEmbeddings([

That’s it! Now just use this embedding like all the other embeddings, i.e. call the embed() method over your sentences.

sentence = Sentence('The grass is green .')

# just embed a sentence using the StackedEmbedding as you would with any single embedding.

# now check out the embedded tokens.
for token in sentence:

Words are now embedded using a concatenation of three different embeddings. This means that the resulting embedding vector is still a single PyTorch vector.