# Local Development For contributors looking to get deeper into the API we suggest cloning the repository and checking out the unit tests for examples of how to call methods. Most classes and methods are documented, so finding your way around the code should hopefully be easy. ## Setup Flair requires python-3.8 or higher. To make sure our code also runs on the oldest supported python version, it is recommended to use python-3.8.x for flair development. Create a python environment of your preference and run: ```bash pip install -r requirements-dev.txt pip install -e . ``` ## Tests To only run typechecks and check the code formatting execute: ```bash pytest flair ``` To run all basic tests execute: ```bash pytest ``` To run integration tests execute: ```bash pytest --runintegration ``` The integration tests will train small models and therefore take more time. In general, it is recommended to ensure all basic tests are running through before testing the integration tests ## Code Formatting To ensure a standardized code style we use the formatter [black](https://github.com/ambv/black) and for standardizing imports we use [ruff](https://github.com/charliermarsh/ruff). If your code is not formatted properly, the tests will fail. We recommend configuring your IDE to run these formatters for you, but you can also always run them manually via `black . && ruff --fix .` in the flair root folder.