Updating documentation#

What is good documentation?#

Good Documentation

  • Always refers to the enduser. Do not document why something is the way it is, but rather how to use it.

  • Doesn’t lie and is always up-to-ate. Whenever code is updated, consider if the documentation needs to change accordingly to reflect reality.

  • Provides useful links whenever usable. Do not reference another object without linking it.


All tutorials are markdown files stored at the tutorial folder. When adding a new tutorial, you must add its name to the index.rst file in the respective folder. We are using the MyST parser which adds some additional syntax over markdown.

A tutorial should always be easy to understand, and reference api documentation for future readings.


You can reference symbols by defining links e.g.: [`flair.set_seed`](#flair.set_seed) for a function e.g.: [entity-linking](project:../tutorial/tutorial-basics/entity-linking.md) for another tutorial


For docstrings we follow the Google docstring format. We do not need to specify types or default values, as those will be extracted from the function signature.

Docstrings have usual a 1 liner giving a simple explanation of the object. Then there is a more detailed explanation followed if required. Ensure that you always use cross-references instead of just mentioning another object, e.g. :class:`flair.models.SequenceTagger` can be used to reference the SequenceTagger.

Building the local docs#

For building the docs,

  • Ensure that you have everything committed. Local changes won’t be used for building.

  • Install the build dependencies via pip install -r docs/requirements.txt.

  • In docs/conf.py temporarily add your local branch name to the smv_branch_whitelist pattern. E.g. if your branch is called doc-page smv_branch_whitelist need to have the value r"^master|doc-page$"

  • run sphinx-multiversion docs doc_build/ to generate the docs.

  • open doc_build/<your branch name>/index.html to view the docs.